In a rather quiet launch from Samsung, the company has now introduced their second smartphone to feature dual cameras - the Samsung Galaxy J7+. The phone comes out as the latest member in Samsung’s J-series of devices. The phone was revealed in the Samsung Thailand website and is only available there at the moment. However it is expected to get a global release soon.
This phone was a rather quiet launch as Samsung didn’t hold an event and didn’t even announce the arrival of the device. It is rather strange considering it is their first mid-budget dual camera device. Let us take a closer look at the Samsung Galaxy J7+
Samsung Galaxy J7+ Specifications
Samsung’s latest J-series smartphone comes out into the markets with a 5.5 inched, full-HD SuperAMOLED display with a resolution of 1080×1920 pixels. The phone is powered by a Helio P20 octa-core processor clocked in at 2.4GHz. The phone features 4GB of RAM and comes along with 32 GB built-in storage. The storage space can be expanded using Micro SD cards.
Talking about the highlight of the device, the dual cameras that the phone comes with are quite impressive. The Samsung Galaxy J7+ features a 13MP+5MP sensor on the back. The camera comes with a single LED flash.
One of the more interesting bits about this camera on the Samsung Galaxy J7+ is that it features Samsung’s live focus technology, which debuted with the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. This feature allows the users to adjust the background blur effectively and in real-time. This can even be done after an image has been clicked.
On the front, there’s a 16MP camera along with LED flash. The phone runs on a 3000mAh battery. Samsung Galaxy J7+ also allows support for two WhatsApp accounts on the same phone! Always-On Display too, is present on the phone. The phone has been priced in at THB 12,900 ($388) and will be releasing on the 15th of September.