Coming Soon: Google Allo Desktop Client


Among the biggest names when it comes to the world of technology, Google has achieved a lot over the years. However the one thing that continues to allude elude Google is a popular messaging app. Google has been working hard on trying to increase the reach of Google Allo and to make it a popular app. However, things aren’t really working out for the company. Google has now been working on making a Google Allo desktop client.

Reports of a desktop client for Google Allo had been making the rounds over the past few weeks. The company has been working on creating a web client for Google Allo, which will ensure that more users are able to make use of the app, and on different platforms. A Google Allo desktop client is one of the biggest gaping holes when it comes to this app.

That Google is working on a Google Allo desktop client comes via Amit Fulay, Google’s Product Head for Google Duo and Google Allo who stated this in a Tweet. He replied to a query on Twitter asking him about the Google Allo desktop client, where he said: “On it, few more weeks.” We expect that this means it would be out either by late July or early in August.

Google has been constantly introducing new features to the Google Allo app. As of now we’re not sure how this Google Allo desktop client would function. It could either be a proper, fully-developed app, or just another web app. The only thing which is known at this point of time is that it would be coming out over the next few weeks. Many people do not find it worthwhile to keep their browser open just to receive messages and would rather prefer a native app. However, if leaked screenshots are to be believed, it is going to be a web app. Stay tuned with us for more information on the Google Allo desktop client.